Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm a blogger!

So I finally decided to join the blogging world!
(Thanks to my good friend Brittany for helping me out!)
I had quite the eventful Easter, but the best
part by far was Sunday night.
Tyler made a great roast and potatoes dinner.
We also decorated some eggs
and put together a little candy surprise for our
(new and good looking) friend Brittany.
Tyler and I picking up candy.

The 10 second camera timer wasn't long enough for me!

This picture probably needs a little explanation.
Tyler and I put some candy on top of the window,
and so we were just trying to help Brittany reach it.
Just being a couple of gentlemen!

Even though I wasn't able to be with family
this year, it was really nice to chat with all of you.
I hope everyone had a good Easter!

Look forward to many more posts!!


Brittany said...

you had the best time with us? that is so awesome beav! we had the best time with you too!

Tyler said...

dude that picture of us is so gay!

Nat Heaton said...

Oh Verg way to join the blogging world! Can't wait to see all the posts. It will probably be the only way we will ever know where you are :)

Rowe Family said...

Brother whatever you know you missed me! Miss you come see me soon I'm sure you need a haircut!

Aves said...

I'm not sure I have words for this... you and Tyler both... Somehow it scares me a little. Lol